Linna / Castle / 1 (12 pics)


Asumme sunnuntaiautoilumatkan päässä (Hämeen)linnasta, joten päätimme käydä siellä viikko sitten. / We live on Sunday motoring distance from medieval Häme Castle, so we decided to go there a week ago.

15 thoughts on “Linna / Castle / 1 (12 pics)

    1. Yes, they may be shooting holes that have been bricked up. This castle was built in the late 1200’s, increased the 1700s, and was in prison from 1837 to 1972. Then restored. In F we don’t have many castles 🙂

      Liked by 1 henkilö

      1. To be perfectly honest, neither do I, alas ! I have never actually touched a wombat – but that doesn’t stop me from adoring them all.

        What a lucky Aussie !!!

        Liked by 1 henkilö

    1. Aika jäyhiä nämä linnamme! Mutta ei kai pidäkään vertailla esim. keskieurooppalaisiin 🙂 Kiitos kommentistasi!


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