15 thoughts on “WPC: Rule of Thirds

  1. Yes, so beautifully composed. You really do this so well, I always appreciate your use of thirds in your images. They feel like you take a lot of time to decide how you want your image to look before you ever snap a photograph. Artwork at it’s best.

    Liked by 1 henkilö

    1. Thank you, Carrie, for your kind comment! The light changes so quickly that I usually take so many photos as possible, and then it’s over. I’ve always wanted to snap lots of photos (almost too much 🙂 )

      Liked by 1 henkilö

  2. Sighh … such beauty ! What are these beautiful little bell-flowers, Pirkko ? Oh, never mind, you don’t need to tell me: I’ll just drool over them …


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